Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Why I love Sea Buckthorn Oil

There are so many powerful botanical ingredients I use in my products for the benefits they provide in the skin. One of my all time favorites is Sea Buckthorn Oil.

Sea Buckthorn Oil: Extraction Method: CO2 Extraction
Sea Buckthorn oil is associated with its ability to  regenerate the skin. An unsurpassed natural source of vitamins A, rich in vitamins B1, B2, K and P as well as a remarkably high content of essential fatty acids and phytosterols. The EFA content in the Sea Buckthorn oil is 80 - 95%. It is reputed to be one of the best sources of natural antioxidants due to the high content of Vitamin C. Sea Buckthorn Oil effectively helps combat wrinkles, dryness, and other symptoms of aging skin.