Omega-3s play an important role in weight loss by helping to burn calories before they become stored in our bodies, which means less extra weight carry. Ongoing research suggests that Omega-3 fatty acids may be able to directly influence important metabolic genes in our cells – genes that control how we synthesize glycogen and how we store and burn fat.
You can find Omega-3 fatty acids in cold water fatty fish (sardines, tuna, salmon, mackerel), as well as walnuts, canola oil and flax seed. We personally like to add a high quality flax seed meal to our food for nutty tasted that is easy to digest.
Extra Virgin Coconut Oil
According to a study published recently in the medical journal Obesity Research, diets rich in coconut oil can potentially stimulate weight loss by increasing the metabolism, and may aid in the prevention of obesity. Most of what we consume in the United States consists of artery-clogging, 'long-chain' saturated fats derived from grain-fed animals. But the plant-based medium chain fatty acids (or medium chain triglycerides - MCT as they are known in scientific circles) tend to digest quickly, producing energy and stimulating the metabolism, thereby helping overweight people reduce their weight.
A number of studies have found that the medium chain triglycerides in coconut oil are not readily converted into stored fats, nor can they be readily used by the body to make larger fat molecules. While you can cook with coconut oil (it has a high heat temperature). We love to add tablespoon of coconut oil to a tropical fruit smoothie.
Whatever oils you use, make sure they are cold-pressed, extra virgin or direct from the source (mmm, seafood!), and always Be Natural!